Friday, September 23, 2022 to Saturday, September 24, 2022
Originally held in Vancouver from November 15th-19th, 1989, the ground-breaking event, In Visible Colours: An International Women of Colour and Third World Women Film/Video Festival and Symposium was co-founded by Zainub Verjee and Lorraine Chan in partnership with Women in Focus and National Film Board. With over 100 films and videos from 28 countries, In Visible Colours emerged amid socio-political upheaval of the late 1970s and 1980s that foregrounded race and gender and the politics of cultural difference.
Thirty years later, we bring together some of the original participants of IVC, alongside students, researchers, curators and contemporary producers. The event — organized in collaboration with VIVO Media Arts Centre, the Archive/Counter Archive project, and the Vulnerable Media Lab (Queen’s University) — is planned as an inter-generational, multi-sited gathering.
Keynote Speaker: Zainub Verjee.
Participants: Amber Berson, Jade Courchesne, Ann Marie Fleming, Sofia Jamal, Yasmin Jiwani, Karen Knights, Karin Lee, Midi Onodera, Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Viola Thomas, Loretta Todd, Ana Valine.
Posted September 18, 2022