Midi Onodera

Project Pizzini (2024)

Pizzini is the plural of Pizzino which is derived from the Sicilian language and means “small piece of paper”. Most notably pizzini were used by the Sicilian mafia to communicate instructions or messages from the boss to his gang. In mid-2023, Matteo Messina Denaro who is described as “the last godfather of the Sicilian mafia” was arrested after pizzini were found in the leg of a chair in his sister, Rosalia Messina Denaro’s home.

The earliest signs of written notations can be dated back to 35000 BCE (Before Common Era). Fast forward to 2024 CE (Common Era) and Deloitte predicts that almost all software companies will integrate Generative AI into the offerings. The GenAI market will reach over 50 billion US dollars.

The contrast between the hand-written word and text generation is prodigious and we exist somewhere between the two. This year’s series will focus on the pizzini of our time. Collaborating with poet, Ronna Bloom, we will create six videos over the year based on pizzini. Little notes “found” in unusual places. Every other month, we will use a consumer AI program to create a video based on the same parameters as our original video.

Which video will catch your eye? Will GenAI videos replace those hand-made by humans? You be the judge. Human-made videos will appear in January, March, May, July, September, and November. GenAI videos will be posted in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

untitled 1 & 2

April video:
2nd AI generated video in series based on the March hand-made video, “quench”.
Software: https://www.artguru.ai/ai-video-generator/

This month’s video uses a text to video program “supposedly” powered by Sora AI. I say “supposedly” because Sora AI, created by OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, has been in limited use (early 2024) and it is not clear who or what connections artguru.ai has with Sora AI.

To be fair, I tried this program twice. With the following text input:
“1 minute video shots of ice and water or clear liquid being poured into clear glasses. Abstract black and white close-up shots with a yellow lemon slice dropping into glass. Imaginative, sharp, ice and liquid-inspired sounds. A yellow sticky note with the handwritten text ‘please wait for me I’ll be back in 10 minutes.’ Photograph of gin bottles on a shelf in a store.”

The first attempt took less than 5 minutes to create. After waiting several days to accumulate enough credits, I tried again. This time the online generator stalled at 97% for about 15 minutes and then finally created a second video.


Posted April 1, 2024


March: quench

Stay tuned for April’s AI version of this video.

Posted March 1, 2024

The Unheard Promise

FEB: The Unheard Promise

For this month’s video I used the free program Invideo.

I entered this into the video generator: “I want a 1 minute experimental video using the text ‘I promise you I didn’t do it’. Use a dark, atonal soundtrack and frame everything in a polaroid frame.”

I wanted to see how close the AI could get to producing a video like January’s project, “Sunday at 10:11 am”. Since this series will only use free programs, the ability to customize the elements is limited. I am also interested in seeing what the AI programs will create with minimal human intervention. This is the result.

Posted February 1, 2024

Sunday at 10:11 am

Posted January 1, 2024