Midi Onodera

Poll or Not to Poll (2016)

2016 marks the sixth year that I will be embarking on an annual online video project. Over the years I’ve found myself considering the online world more when I develop a yearly theme. There is no doubt that social media is firmly embedded into the fabric of our lives and has expanded the ways we communicate with each other. This year I am looking into the world of polling and how social media has influenced the way we traditionally engage with public voting, even though my first poll advised me against it – “should I use social media polling to create my video project for 2016?” 36% said “yes”, whereas 64% said “no”. I decided to ignore this.

Social media polling or poll apps seem to be more about public engagement and a means to discover people’s opinions, not simply yes/no responses. Although there are polling apps that require the user to have a number of followers, the more interesting ones are anonymous and open to everyone. Most of the questions I’ve encountered are quite innocuous and do not require more than a second’s thought. But the difference between social media polling and conventional polls is the exchange of comments the question can evoke. I encourage you to have a peek into the world of online polling. Each month new poll questions will be available on this site, via PollDaddy but for a wider range of polls check out Pyne. You can find me at @midio.

Poll Question: Why do you respond to poll questions?
22% Avoid things I should be doing.
52% It’s fun and harmless.
13% My opinion matters.
13% Comment – “Ah something to do” “#PyneOrDie”

UPDATE: In September, my Pyne app suddenly stopped working. Without a Pyne web presence I had no way of finding out if this was a software issue or user error. In any case, I found a new app called Show of Hands. This US app analyzes poll results based on political party affiliation. Although its’ primarily a political “entertainment” tool, there are a range of questions/polls posted. As a nod to our American neighbours the next few videos will delve into the mind of America.

The Sky’s the Limit

Posted January 1, 2016

when I think of you my heart melts

Posted February 1, 2016


My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. —Erma Bombeck

Posted February 29, 2016


All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
EDGAR ALLAN POE, A Dream Within a Dream

Posted March 31, 2016


Is a mirror a true reflection of who we are?

Posted April 30, 2016

the crowd

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel

Posted June 1, 2016

don’t trip

The best time I ever had with Joan Crawford was when I pushed her down the stairs in “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” -Bette Davis

Posted June 30, 2016


I have no idea what string theory is, but this is my version.

Posted August 1, 2016

location, location, location

In the online world location is irrelevant, but it’s critical to the physical.

Posted September 1, 2016


There are 2 more US presidential debates in October, will you be watching?

Posted October 1, 2016

the vote

To vote or not to vote, that is the question.

Posted November 1, 2016

bad day for my birthday buddy

The basis of optimism is sheer terror.
– Oscar Wilde, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’

Posted December 1, 2016