Identity politics hasn’t disappeared, its just taken a 21st century digital twist. Who would have imagined that the once thought-provoking, quietly reflective term, “self portrait” would morph into the narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, word: “selfie”. It’s all about me…and you should be interested in my Tweets, my Instagram pics, my Facebook posts and Vines. Social media and public posts have become the cracked mirror before us, demanding insight into the constructed self. How we choose to be seen, which filters we apply over our personal skins do not reveal the genuine self, but rather a projection of our publicly consumable identity. This is our personal brand. So in 2015, I have decided to attempt to define my brand and clarify my key message statements. Over the next year I will be releasing monthly video reports along this theme and at the close of the project I will have complied my Annual Report on me.
Apophenia is a human tendency of perceiving patterns or connections in random or meaningless information.