Midi Onodera

Distribution — Collection 1 DVD

This DVD presents a selection of early work (1981-1985) and includes Onodera’s notorious film, “Ten Cents a Dance (Parallax)” which created a storm of controversy on the lesbian and gay film festival circuit. These eight short films tackle a range of challenging subjects, showcasing Onodera’s interest in storytelling and experimental technique, and providing insights into her early stylistic development.

The Bird That Chirped on Bathurst (1981) 4:00
idiot’s delight (1983) 5:00
Home was never like this (1983) 9:00
Ville-quelle ville? (1984) 4:00
A Performance by Jack Smith (1984-92)
The Dead Zone (1985) 2:30;
Made in Japan (1985) 2:30
Ten Cents a Dance (Parallax) (1985) 30:00

With additional material:
Interview with Tom Waugh: “Ten Cents” (2007) 9:26
Interview with Judith Mayne: “Encounters” (2008) 7:02
Interview with Midi Onodera: “Early Transitions” (2008) 7:02
“Under Construction: Midi Onodera’s Early Films” by Kathleen Mullen (PDF essay)

Order direct:

Private Sale: $75.00 CAD
Educational: $90.00 CAD
The Set (1-3, 365 plus a bonus Alphagirls DVD): $300.00 CAD

DVD Order Form

For inquiries and purchases:

Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
1411 Dufferin Street, Unit D
Toronto, ON, M6H 4C7
Phone: (416) 588-0725

401 Richmond St. W., Suite 452
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3A8
Phone: (416) 351-1317