I am thrilled to be a part of this year’s presentation of you and I are water earth fire air of life and death programmed by Christof Migone.
The third in a series of twelve annual events taking place on December 12 from noon to midnight EST (9-9 PST, 11-11 CST, 17-05 GMT, 18-06 CET, CST 2-14 KST).
Each year the event moves through each word of the 12-word phrase you and I are water earth fire air of life and death and activates the word of the year in myriad ways.
This year the word is ‘I’, consequently the focus is on selfless selves, linked Is, and not-Is. The first year it started with ‘you’, last year ‘and’ came to connect you to anything and everything, this year that point of connection is ‘I’. The porous one. The sole collective.
– Arraymusic (audio + visual)
– NAISA (audio only)
– Radius (audio only)
– Resonance Extra (audio only)
– Wave Farm (audio only)
– YouTube Live (audio + visual) (specific link forthcoming)
-I HOUR 1 (12 EST)
SAVAC (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Tazeen Qayyum (Tkarón:to/Toronto)
-I HOUR 2 (13 EST)
SQUINT PRESS (Tkarón:to/Toronto and Québec City) Presents Gabriela Areal (Buenos-Aires)
-I HOUR 3 (14 EST)
THE DIM COAST (Saskatoon) Presents A Sound That Never Was (International)
-I HOUR 4 (15 EST)
TRINITY SQUARE VIDEO Presents Midi Onodera (Tkarón:to/Toronto) and Claire Savoie (Tiohti:áke/Montréal)
-I HOUR 5 (16 EST)
TSONAMI (Valparaíso) Presents Rodrigo Araya and Fernando Godoy
-I HOUR 6 (17 EST)
WAVE FARM (Acra, NY) Presents David Grubbs (Brooklyn)
-I HOUR 7 (18 EST)
OBORO Presents Chloe Lum & Yannick Desranleau (Tiohti:áke/Montréal)
-I HOUR 8 (19 EST)
METAOBJECTS (Hong Kong) Presents Ryo Ikeshiro (Hong Kong)
-I HOUR 9 (20 EST)
LIQUID ARCHITECTURE (Naarm/Melbourne) Presents Machine Listening: Sean Dockray, James Parker, Joel Stern (Naarm/Melbourne)
-I HOUR 10 (21 EST)
ARRAYMUSIC (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Mani Mazinani (Tkarón:to/Toronto)
-I HOUR 11 (22 EST)
CONSTELLATION (Tiohti:áke/Montréal) Presents Sam Shalabi (Tiohti:áke/Montréal)
-I HOUR 12 (23 EST)
FADO (Tkarón:to/Toronto) Presents Cindy Baker (Edmonton)
+ 10 minutes, as part of the Different From The One series, at the end of each hour will feature audiovisual roomtones by Kate Carr, Andrea-Jane Cornell, Emily DiCarlo, Joaquín Gutiérrez Hadid, Sebastiane Hegarty, Laura Kikauka, Annette Krebs, Nick Kuepfer, Matmos , Gordon Monahan, Debashis Sinha, Maia Urstad .
Posted November 28, 2022